Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 1/15/2024

1. Introduction

Welcome to Norrsken Designs (“we,” “us,” or “our”). This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website or use our services.

2. Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: If you choose to fill out a form on our “Custom Bags” page, we may collect and store the following personal information:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Details provided in the form
  • Automatically Collected Information: Like many websites, we use a third-party service (Hubspot) to manage form responses. The third-party provider may automatically collect certain information about your device, including your IP address, browser type, and operating system, however we at Norrsken Designs see or collect none of that.

3. Use of Information

We use the information collected for the following purposes:

  • To respond to your inquiries and provide customer support by making one-of-a-kind bags.
  • To improve our website and services.
  • To comply with legal obligations.

4. Sharing of Information

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to third parties. However, please note that credit card processing at checkout is handled by a third-party company, and their data collection practices are governed by their privacy policies.

5. Security

We take reasonable steps to protect the information we collect from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

6. Your Choices

You have the right to request access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal information. You can contact us at [email protected] for such requests.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version will be effective on the date indicated at the beginning of the policy.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at [email protected].